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Cancer Care
Dr. Jennifer Moody, DAOM LAc & Tina Rea, LMT specialize in Cancer Care including Acupuncture, herbs, Shitasu massage and nutritional support while you are going through conventional treatment.
Cancer touches the lives of almost every person in some form or another.
A cancer diagnosis is life-changing, but acupuncture, Shiatsu massage, and East Asian medicine can be a powerful addition to your treatment plan.
East Asian medicine is an integral adjunct method for treatment of patients with cancer, and has been in use in China for over 2000 years. Combining Eastern medical therapies with Western cancer treatments creates a more balanced approach to your care. The signs and symptoms of cancer vary as do the side effects from the medications and surgeries.
Acupuncture treatment can help:
- Alleviate chemotherapy-related nausea
- Relieve side-effects from radiation
- Increase appetite and improve digestion
- Treat constipation or diarrhea
- Treat neuropathy and body pain
- Treat insomnia
- Relieve emotional stress
- Post -surgery pain and weakness
- Treat Flushing symptoms resulting from chemotherapy or carcinoid syndrome
Chinese herbal formulas along with Shiatsu Massage can help improve the immune system, relieve stress and increase overall well-being, and can be an important part of your treatment plan.
Our Providers can assist our patients as they go through their course of treatment, whether it be surgical, radiation or chemotherapy. We utilize clear communication with the client to help create a personalized treatment appropriate for the person and the symptoms they are experiencing.
We welcome anyone in all stages of their cancer experience, from those dealing with a new diagnosis, to patients who have been survivors for many years. We focus on supporting the whole person physically and mentally through the whole journey.See papers published by Dr. Jennifer Moody, DAOM, LAc: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28661695