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Massage Therapy
Tina Rea, LMT
Licensed Shiatsu Massage Therapist
Pronouns: She/Her
Tues: 8:30am - 2pm
Wed - Fri: 8:30am - 6pm
Call the Office: (503) 914-2747
or schedule online
We are not our illness...I don’t work on illnesses; I work with people to reduce their pain and symptoms while increasing their immune system and their ability to heal. We all want to feel better and be active in our own lives doing all the things we need and want to do. My goal is to help you reduce pain, increase movement, decrease the effects of stress while increasing your immune system.
- Tina
While Tina’s work is based on Zen Shiatsu, she has created an approach to Shiatsu from over two decades of training and many more decades of living and learning about life and the body. Each of us have our own ecosystem, our own ecological landscape. Everything in our lives has an effect on how we live and move through our lives: the foods we eat or do not eat, the stressors in our lives, how we move through our days, sleep, play and the conversations we have with ourselves.
Your Shiatsu session is created for you each time you come in, connecting to you, your energy and how you feel at that moment. Tina’s goal is to partner with you in your healing process, including reducing pain, increasing mobility, improving sleep and energy, balancing digestion, reducing stress & anxiety and improving your sense of overall well-being.
Why Shiatsu?
After 15 years as a graphic artist I decided I wanted to be a massage therapist and do something that made a difference in people’s lives. From my first day of Shiatsu class I was hooked. It felt amazing and so different from any other massage as both the client and practitioner. For over 24 years I have happily studied and received Shiatsu. It is still one of my favorite things in the world. Lucky me.
Like most people from time to time various issues effect my health. That cold that’s going around, allergies, mental emotional stress, various aches and pains, digestive issues and so on. Sometimes they require more attention than others, from a doctor or other healthcare professional. For me Shiatsu and Acupuncture are my go to treatments to feel re-energized, re-balanced in mind and body.
Working within an integrative clinic with a team of caring, talented practitioners and supportive staff located in SE Portland. I have worked at immune clinics as well as Terwilliger Plaza retirement facility. Clients that see me are looking for improved health and well-being, improved energy, alignment, circulation and energy. At the clinics my clients had cancer, MS, HIV/AIDS, or other autoimmune diseases. Working with these conditions taught me a great deal about illness, its effects on the body while learning how to better serve all my clients.
What is Shiatsu?
Shiatsu is a form of massage from Japan unlike other forms of massage. There are no oils or lotions used. Client wearing loose comfortable fitting clothes like yoga pants with a t-shirt. The treatments are traditionally done on a futon on the floor. If you have difficulty getting down or up from the floor a massage table can be used. Shiatsu means finger pressure. It includes pressure applied from the thumbs, palms, elbows and possibly knees along the meridians or information pathways located in the fascia. Think Acupuncture without needles.
Joseph Liu, LMT
Massage Therapist, Gyrotonic Trainer,
Franklin Method Educator
Pronouns: He/Him
Mon & Fri: 8:30am - 6pm
Tues: 8:30am - 1pm
Sat: 1pm - 6pm
Call the Office: (503) 914-2747
or schedule online
I am a Massage Therapist (LMT #24254), Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Trainer, Franklin Method Educator, and Dance Instructor. For the past 10+ years, I've been helping clients feel ease in their body -- the antidote to "dis-ease". I believe when the body is allowed to freely express itself, health and healing will naturally arise. My work draws from a vast diverse training in bodywork, embodied anatomy, dance, and somatics that is rooted in deeply listening to you, your body, and your spirit.
Bodies are made to move
In a past life, I worked a desk job, unhappily. An avid dancer I always looked forward to PTO spent at dance camps which would refresh my mind, body and spirit. At one of my camps I came to the realization that my body didn't feel good being cooped up for hours at a time. Bodies are made to move. The lack of a nourishing movement was making me and many people around me unhappy and unwell. This realization led me to having a different relationship with my body, and led me to a career helping people discover and experience health and wellness.
Wellness rooted in dance
My approach as a wellness practitioner is rooted in my partner dance training. How to connect, listen, lead, and follow– these are all components of informed touch. Listening and understanding how the body responds to touch, not just where, but when, how, and why is important in helping the body find comfort and heal. I see each session is a
dance, with each action flowing seamlessly from one to another to create a harmonious healing experience. The aim is to create space for the body to be free to move with joy.
Empowering Wellness
The wellness journey is one of inquiry: how can I live better within my body? My goal as a practitioner is to empower you to seek the answers that are right for you. Sometimes this means allowing yourself time to do your own work. Sometimes it means seeking outside help. Often this means looking beyond the pain point and looking more holistically. Cause and effect isn't always obvious or linear. Through our sessions, explore how massage, movement, and embodiment can all affect your sense of being, and discover the wellness practice that works best for you.
Specialties & Interests
I enjoy working with athletes, dancers, and performance artists. People who are aware of their bodies, and are seeking to get more performance from them in a sustainable way so they can enjoy their art throughout their lives.
I also find working with the elderly deeply satisfying. For many, they have lived with chronic conditions that have
been impacting their quality of life for years. The most subtle changes in posture, flexibility, and mobility and vastly improve their quality of life.
As a POC, I relate to the trauma of the BIPOC folx. I specialize in holding space and witnessing the trauma that we hold in our bodies.
Training & Studies
* Shiatsu with Wendy Ward at Oregon School of Massage.
* Cranial Fluid Dynamics with Beata Alexander, PT
* The Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Exercise methods with Master Trainer Emma Kingston
* Movement embodiment & education with Eric Franklin of the Franklin Method
* Blues & Jazz dance training with Barry Douglas of the Hustle Hall of FameQuinn Linden Gumbiner, LMT
Massage Therapist, Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation
Pronouns: They/Them
Mon: 9am - 645pm
Tues: 2pm- 530pm
Wed: 1pm-6pm
Thurs: 9am - 6pm
Call the Office: (503) 914-2747
or schedule online
I am a Licenced Massage Therapist (OR LMT #27580) , movement educator and dancer. I offer a gentler approach to bodywork through my primary modalities of craniosacral therapy, myofascial release and visceral manipulation. I hold a BFA in Dance from SUNY Purchase College. I offer movement education and suggestions to further support the work we do together. Additionally, I am certified as an Ayurvedic Wellness Coach. Ayurvedic philosophy is woven into my approach, as it supports a holistic perspective on well-being.
The body has a story to share
My work is rooted in the inherent intelligence of the body. I center consent and take a collaborative approach to treatment. I offer a slower, lighter touch approach to bodywork, attuned to each individual's system. Each session is unique, following your body’s response to the work. I honor the body’s intelligence, placing your body’s responses at the center, rather than my own agenda. I welcome you to become an active participant in this process, where we all get to learn through the body and what it has to share.
My ModalitiesMyofascial Release involves the application of slow and sustained engagement of the tissues between my hands. This increases the fluidity and movement of connective tissues creating softness and space throughout the body.
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle modality that works with the craniosacral system encompassing your central nervous system, cranial bones, membrane, spine, sacrum and cerebral spinal fluid. Through witnessing and offering gentle manipulations this therapy encourages deep restoration, reduces pain, creates more space and availability for movement throughout your system.
Visceral Manipulation works with the fascia of the organ system. This involves gentle abdominal manual therapy and is used to support the digestive and reproductive systems.
Who is this work for?I am passionate about working with people who navigate nervous system dysregulation. This might include symptom presentations of stress, anxiety, digestive conditions, chronic pain and more. This work is also beneficial for people who experience chronic illness or pain. I am particularly skilled at working with headaches, migraines, jaw pain, neck pain & low back pain. This work is for anyone who is open to a collaborative approach and gentler touch that can have profound impacts.
I continuously practice inclusivity through my words, actions and care. As a queer person, I offer affirming care for the queer & trans
community, as well as continuously work to provide affirming and inclusive care to people of all marginalized identities. I welcome
feedback on the areas in which I can further educate myself to offer a more inclusive healing climate.Certifications and Training
BFA in Dance from SUNY Purchase College
Massage Therapy Licensure Program at Boulder Massage Therapy Institute
Continuing education in Myofascial Release, Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral manipulation & Advanced
300 Hour Certified Ayurvedic Wellness Coach
200 Hour Certified Yoga Teacher
Reiki I & II Certified